
第2回研究会の報告 The Report of 2nd Meeting




1 従来の研究の問題点

2 水平社宣言に見られるアナーキズムの影響 

3 今後の検討課題

Report of our Second Regular Meeting

Our Second Meeting was held in the "Party Room" of Cafe Eikokuya, Shinsaibashi-Ten from 12:30 to 16 pm, on March 24, 2013. Eight people attended.

Summary of Sekiguchi's Report "Zenkoku Suiheisha in the Founding Period and Anarchism":

1. Some problems of previous studies on Suiheisha  
 Zenkoku Suiheisha (National Horizontal Association) was established in 1922 for the equality of the pariah cast people (“Burakumin”= “Fallen Cast People”) and their communities (“Hisabetsu Buraku”). (For more information see below: the English translation of “The Suiheisha Declaration”, 1922).



 After the Second World War, historical studies on the Suiheisha movement started. At the beginning almost all studies were based on a Marxist approach. After the initial period other studies appeared focusing on the movement of realists: “Yuwa Undo” (that accepted government policies for the Burakumin people and their communities very positively), as well as studies on the history of nationalistic right wing Suiheisha movement.
  These studies uncovered the diversity of the Suiheisha movements before WWII. The historical studies on anarchists in the Suiheisha movement immerged from this wave of studies which were a contrast to the leftist/Marxist studies on the Suiheisha movement.
  “Discrimination and Anarchism: The History of Suiheisha Movement and the Struggle between the Anarchists and Bolshivists” (1975) by Akira Miyazaki was the pioneering study on the anarchists’ current in the Suiheisha movement.
 In the 1990s’ historian Yoko Mihara criticized former studies which stated that the anarchists disappeared before the 1930’s. On the contrary Mihara demonstrated that anarchists never left the Suiheisha movement until the outbreak of the pacific war in 1941. She also pointed out that, as was unknown previously, the movement had its economic basis in the action of “snatch” (“Ryaku”) from the Capitalists or rich people. Other specific aspects of anarchism in the movement were expressed by their practice of communal living, and in their strong spirit of solidarity. (spirit of “Ninkyo”).
  Miyazaki and Mihara also emphasized that the anarchists thought of the Suiheisha movement as having a distinguished character, very different from other movements, while on the contrary the Bolshivists saw the movement as a part of the proletarian movement and actually promoted dissolving the movement into that of the proletariat.
 However, the Marxist scholars criticized the anarchists for promoting violent revolution, and for the violent direct action of denouncing individuals or organizations who discriminated against the “Buraku”. Marxist scholars also insisted that the anarchists made the Suiheisha movement very closed to other movements.
  But when I analyzed the reports which were sent from the Japanese Communist Party to the Communist International (Comitern) of Moscow, the following points became very clear: 1) The Japanese communists in the Suiheisha movement also promoted violent revolution from the beginning, as well as the anarchists. 2) The anarchists also collaborated with the labor movement and were very open towards other movements. From this analysis of the historical material, I can point out the differences between the anarchists and communists in the Suiheisha movement: the Bolshivists saw the “Burakumin” as a “cast” which was formed under feudal society, and that this “cast” is a “class” in capitalist society. In contrast to them the anarchists thought of the “Burakumin” as an ethnic group with their own specific culture and history. 

2. The Influences of anarchism on the “Suiheisha Declaration” 
 The Suiheisha Declaration has become so famous in Japan that it is cited in many school textbooks. But we know very little about the actual construction process of this text. In his articles published in the 1980’s, Tamotsu Matsuoka, a scholar of Russian literature, pointed out that the author of the Declaration views “compassion” very negatively. Instead the author emphasizes the importance of “promoting respect for human dignity”. We can find very similar texts in the book by writer Ghyofu Soma (1883 – 1950) about Russian writer and novelist “Gorky” (1905). Soma appraised Gorky’s novels especially “The Lower Depth” (1902), because Gorky showed his readers the importance of human dignity very clearly by describing underclass peoples such as vagabonds and ex-convicts. Matsuoka demonstrates that Gyofu Soma acquired such interpretations of Gorky’s novels from the book “Russian Literature: Ideal and Reality” (1915) By Pyotr Alexeyevich Kropoktin.
  With Matsuoka’s findings it became very clear that through Soma, the declaration was indirectly influenced by Kropoktin’s anarchistic ideas and discourse. In the 1920’s, European “racial sciences”, such as genetics and criminal anthropology were very widely accepted in Japan. Many people began to think that poor people, vagabonds, criminals, disabled people and Burakumin people were “inferior” human beings. This view was seen as “scientifically” correct. I believe that the appeal of anti racist sentiments and the absolute valuing of human life and struggles in anarchism is what lead to the Declaration asking not for “compassion” from society, but for the ability to live with dignity and self respect. 

3. For further research 
  1) Is there any connection between the thought "Taisho-Seimei-Shugi" (the idea regarding the "life" as the most fundamental factor of human social activity, which become very popular in Taisho era from 1912 to 1926) and the idea of Shuiheisha which recognizes all human being as equal and respectable?
  2) Are some characteristics of anarchist current in Suiheisha, which Mihara pointed out, and the specific feature of thought of Suiheisha that fully affirm the dignity of human being, which was seen from the beginning of Suiheisha, are taken over by Buraku emancipation movement of today?
  Considering on the potential and significance of anarchism in whole human history, we need further research on anarchistic current in the history of Suiheisha movement.