
2nd Announcement for the “August 6th Anarchist Gathering” in 2015 in Hiroshima, Japan 2015年「8・6集会」参加の呼びかけ(2)

Dear Comrades & Friends!
 As posted previously(See 1st our "Invitation"), the Association for Anarchism Studies in Hiroshima decided at the ‘August 6th Gathering’ this year to invite a wide range of people with an interest in anarchism from within and without Japan to the ‘August 6th Gathering’ of 2015, as it will be 70 years since the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima and Japan lost the war.
 Welcoming this invitation, the Kansai Anarchism Studies Group has decided to participate in organizing the ‘August 6th Gathering’ along with the Hiroshima group, and would like to specifically to encourage people with an interest in anarchism outside of Japan to participate.
 At the December meeting, which was held in Hiroshima, it was decided that the main theme of the ‘August 6th Gathering’ of 2015 would be “Action for Exchange and Solidarity.”
 Originally, the “August 6th Gathering” was proposed in 1984 by Japanese anarchists and a French anarchist who was studying in Hiroshima.
 From the following year, 1985, the 40th anniversary of atomic-
Hiroshima Gathering ca.1980's
bombing, the first “August 6th Gathering” was held. Thereafter, in spite of several years in which there was no meeting, comrades have gathered almost every year in Hiroshima to mee
 From the beginning, the “August 6th Gathering” has had a unified slogan: “Anti-War, Anti-Atomic Bomb, Anti-Nuclear Power, and Anti-State”. However, in the last 20 years, anarchism has become diverse, and we can see the emergence of a new generation of anarchists all over the world.
 Embracing this, we decided upon the main theme & purpose of this gathering: the meeting and exchange of diverse practices and ideas within and without Japan to promote the solidarity of anarchists all over the world.
 The most important principles of the “August 6th Gathering” are openness and diversity, based on friendship and solidarity; no one will be excluded. 
 For those who participate at the gathering, please prepare a report or small summary of personal or collective activities & thinking.
 The theme of this report can be a “traditional” one: anti-war, anti-atomic bomb, anti-nuclear and anti-state. In addition, the following are also welcome: the labor movement, feminism, the environment, anti-fascism, support for the poor, support for imprisoned people, communal living, various alternative ways of living, community gardening, vegan food, “Food Not Bombs”, animal rights, animal liberation, various demonstrations and rallies, many actions for art, managing infoshops and cafés, various media-based actions, thinking and acting in everyday life, the history of anarchism in local areas, or conceptions about the future.
 The meeting will be held from 13:00 to 17:00 on August 6, 2015 in Hiroshima City. Presentation time is less than 20 minutes per person. For now, only “The History of the August 6th Gathering” [Hachi-roku shūkai no rekishi] report by the Hiroshima anarchist group has been decided.
 If you wish to join the “August 6th Hiroshima Gathering” of 2015, please contact us via email: joh.most@gmail.com
 Concerning other information about the meeting location, schedule, and events, an announcement will be sent at a later date.
 To participants outside of Japan, we will send information about accommodation in Hiroshima City. For those who are planning to come to Hiroshima on August 6, 2015, please contact this mail address: joh.most@gmail.com

  したがって、報告のテーマは、反戦・反核・反国家という伝統的なテーマはもちろん、労働運動、フェミニズム、エコロジー、反ファシズム、貧困者の支援、投獄者の支援、共同生活、様々なオルタナティヴ、共同農園、ヴィーガン、Food Not Bombs、動物の権利の擁護、デモや集会、アートを通じた様々な活動、インフォショップやカフェの運営、様々なメディアによる活動、様々な日常生活における運動、各地のアナーキズムの歴史、運動の未来についての報告でも可能です。