日時:2013年3月24日(日) 12:30より 昼食を取りながら
場所:カフェ英國屋 大阪心斎橋店 パーティールーム
地下鉄御堂筋線心斎橋駅 徒歩5分
〒542-0085 大阪府大阪市中央区心斎橋筋2-1-31煉瓦館ビル
TEL 06-6211-7031 FAX 06-6211-7031 アクセスMapは以下を参照
2nd Regular Meeting
Our second meeting will be held.
Those who interested in anarchism, Suihei-Sha or history of Japanese social movement are welcome.
It will be a Lunch Meeting.
"Anarchism and Zenkoku-Suihei-Sha in the Founding Period"
reported by Hiroshi Sekiguchi
Time & Place:
From 12:30 in March 24, 2013
in the "Party Room" of Cafe Eikokuya, Shinsaibashi-Ten
Address: 2-1-31 Renga-Building, Shinsaibashi Suji, Chuo-ku,
Osaka City, Osaka 542-0085, Japan
TEL 06-6211-7031 FAX 06-6211-7031
Access: http://goo.gl/maps/jdpEz
What is Zenkoku-Suihei-Sha? See below: "Etas in Japan"
from The Road to Freedom, December 1924, pp.5-6.