
本日、2023日9月9日(土)19時より、新宿のIRAでアナーキズムの話をする会があります(参加自由)Today, September 9, at 7pm., anarchist gathering at IRA, Shinjuku.



Today, Saturday, September 9, at 7:00 p.m., there will be a meeting at IRA in Shinjuku to talk about anarchism.  Mirco from Switzerland will talk about his activities there. The talk will be in Japanese and sometimes in English, so please join us, no matter if you cannot speak English or not, or if you cannot speak Japanese or not, please join us.








7時~ 元安橋前ビラ撒き情宣
9時半~ デモ 旧市民球場跡地集合
13時~ 加納実紀代資料室見学
14時半~ 8.6ヒロシマ集会(東区民センター)
主催 8.6ヒロシマ集会実行委員会
連絡先 free_workers_federation@riseup.net









7-8時半 情宣活動、9時半~ デモ、11時から12時半 フィールドワーク、13-14時 休憩、

14-17時 広島市内で集会(1)サン・ティミエ国際アナーキスト集会についての報告、(2)戦争PTSD証言者の話(オンライン)、18-20時 交流会 終了

連絡先:8・6広島集会実行委員会 free_workers_federation@riseup.net





大阪・中之島「水上メーデー」の告知(転載)Announcement of "May Day on the Water" in Nakanoshima, Osaka








 あー、ひとにやさしく、自分にもやさしくがモットーの『帰ってきた中之島水上メーデー実行委員会』です。うっせえ、うっせえ、うっせえ。あなたが思うより健康です。君にSAY YES!






大杉栄 「社会的理想論」『労働運動』(第一次)第6号、1920年6月号 Sakae Osugi, "Social Ideals", Labor Movement, June 1920 (Commemorating the 100 Years Anniversary of Osugi's death)

・・・  人生とは何ぞやという事は、かつて哲学史上の主題であった。そしてそれに対する種々の解答が、いわゆる大哲学者らによって提出された。

 "What is life?" This question has been the subject of philosophical history in the past. Various answers to this question were proposed by the so-called great philosophers.

 However, life is never a pre-determined, or properly completed, book. It is a blank book on which each person writes one word at a time. Life is what we live.

 The same is true for the question: "What the labor movement?" The labor issue is a life issue for workers. Workers will write in their big blank book of labor issues, word by word, line by line, sheet by sheet, through their movement. ・・・・ 

 The same is true for the ideas and ideals about the future society that workers are trying to build. The ideas and ideals of the future society, such as anarchism, social democracy, syndicalism, guild socialism, etc., may be the power and light that the workers of Europe and America themselves have built.

 They may go forward under that power and light. However, these ideas and ideals are still far from the reality that Japanese workers have built up to this day. 

 We still have no choice but to strive to enhance our reality according to our own temperament and the circumstances around us, and thereby seek our own ideas and ideals. 

This is where our so-called motto, "Act like a believer, but ponder like a skeptic," comes in.


大杉栄 「労働運動の精神」『労働運動』(第一次)1号・1919年10月号 Sakae Osugi, 'The Spirit of Labor Movement', Labor Movement, No.1, October 1919 (Commemorating the 100 years of Sakae Osugi's dath)










When one thinks of the labor movement, the first thing that comes to mind is the movement of workers demanding higher wages and shorter hour. That must be it........

But as long as workers are human beings, the labor movement will never stop at these biological demands.....

It goes a little further than that, it has certain human demands.....

So what are these human demands? ........

We are painfully aware from our factory life that our life is not our life. We have almost no control over our own lives, over our own destiny. Everything is imposed on us by others. Our lives and destiny are dictated to us by others.........

The direct determinants of a worker's life, the amount of wages and working hours, are entirely determined by the capitalists. The same is true for sanitary facilities in the factory. The power to hire and fire workers, to award and punish them, to use raw materials and machinery, to determine the price of products, or goods, and to manage the factory are all in the hands of the capitalists.

We want to liberate ourselves from this life of absolute submission and slavery to the tyrant capitalists. We want to have a life of our own, a life of self-reliance and self-sufficiency. We want to decide our own lives, our own destiny. At least, I want to be part of that decision.....

We want to make life in the factory our own life. But first, or at the same time, we have to have that so-called "ourselves. Our own self is the self-governing capacity of the working class itself, of the labor organization itself. It is its self-consciousness. And we believe that trade union organization is the best way to support this self. 

Trade unions are themselves an expression of the workers' increasing capacity for self-government, as well as an institution that seeks to expand that capacity to the outside world, and at the same time, they should be a germ of the future society that workers are trying to create for themselves. 

Let me repeat this. The labor movement is a movement for workers' self-realization, and it is for getting self-governing life themselves. It is a human movement. It is a movement of personality.

大杉栄「生の創造」『近代思想』1914年1月号(没後100年記念)Sakae Osugi, 'Creation of Life', The Modern Thought, January 1914(Commemorating the 100 Years Anniversary of Osugi Sakae's death))




社会主義者はよく、自覚が社会生活を創るのではない、社会生活が自覚を創るのであるという。そして 常にこれを誇張する。われわれもまた、この事実の真実でありかつ甚だ重大であることを知っている。けれどもこれと同時にまた、さらにその自覚が新しき社会生活を創るの事実を忘れることはできない。すなわちわれわれは、種々なる社会的傾向を判断し、その中からわれわれの内的憧憬と近きもの、われわれの個人的生活意志と近きものを選ぶの事実を知っている、時としてはそれらの諸傾向を否認し、超越していくの事実をも知っている。すなわちわれわれの権力意志が奮起するの事実を見るのである。かくしてわれわれは、自我の、個人的発意の、自由と創造とを思い、かつここに個人および社会の進化の基礎を置かねばならぬ事を感ずる。




........The movement has a direction. But it is not the so-called end. The ideal of a movement does not find itself in its so-called end. The ideal always accompanies and goes along with the movement. The ideal is not in front of the movement. It is in the movement itself. It is within the movement itself that it carves its pattern.

Freedom and creation are not ideals that we should aspire to only in the future. We must first supplement this in reality. We must capture it within ourselves.

To have freedom and creation within ourselves means to know that we are our own selves, and to know that we live within and by our own selves.

Socialists often say that consciousness does not create social life, but that social life creates consciousness. And they always exaggerate this. We also know this to be true and very serious. At the same time, however, we cannot forget the fact that this awareness creates a new social life. We know that we can judge various social tendencies and choose from among them those that are closest to our inner longings and our personal will for life, and we also know that we can sometimes repudiate and transcend these tendencies. In other words, we see the fact that our will to power is aroused. Thus, we think of the freedom and creativity of the ego, of personal initiative, and realize that this must be the basis for the evolution of the individual and society.

The ego is the arrow of longing for the shore, free to think and free to act, as Nietzsche said. We must first supplement and nurture this ego, this mysterious germ that contains all future.

Freedom and creation do not lie outside of us or in the future. They are present within us.


'Anarchists Assassinated by Japanese Government ', Freedom, November 1923 (Commemorating the 100 yers anniversary of Osugi Sakae's deathe )


Anarchists Assassinated by Japanese Government

Evidence is now to hand that immediately after the earthquake in Japan, the authorities set afloat rumours that Anarchists and Socialists, and also Koreans, were responsible for the fires which swept over Tokyo. An ex-soldiers' organisation attacked Koreans in all parts of the city, and it is estimated that about 3,000 were massacred i cold blood. Several hundred Japanese were also killed through being mistaken for Koreans. At the same time, a systematic hunt for Anarchists and Socialists took place. How many were killed is not known, but at least fifteen or twenty of the more prominent men and women in the Anarchist movement were killed while under arrest.
In the detailed report published in the Industrial Worker (Seattle) of October 31st, our Japanese comrades say that when the new Government was formed shortly after the earthquake, it sent out propaganda for the citizens to kill Anarchists. But the people refused to take part in the murders, and the Government had to do it secretly. However, the truth was soon discovered, and to appease the indignation of the people of the Government ordered the trial of Captain Amakasu. who was charged withe the manslaughter of our comrade Sakaye Osugi, his wife, Noye Ito, and Osugi's nephew, a seven-year-old boy. All the victims were strangled to death by the captain.

In the censored report of the trial which was prohibited in the Nichi-Nichi (Tokyo) of October 9th a sergeant-major gave evidence about a bulletin which had been received by the Gendarmerie headquarters, and he said: "Everybody was saying in those days in the corps that Communists and Socialists should better be ......." The censor has cut out the end of the sentence, but one can imagine what is was. The same issue of Nichi-Nichi prints a summary of the official report on the murders, which says that Captain Amakasu believed that it was at timely measure in the interests of Japan's welfare to kill Sakaye Osugi." The accused gave a frank statement of affair, and apparently gloried in his horrible deed. On September 16th, as Commander of the Kajimachi [Kojimachi] Gendarmerie Corps, he went to Osugi's home, and took him and his wife and nephew by motor-car to the headquarters of the corps, and locked them in an empty room on the upper floor. The accused said:--
"I then ordered supper for them. At 8 p.m. I instructed Sergeant-Major Mori to conduct Osugi to another vacant room and question him. As the sergeant-major was so doing I entered the room where Osugi was sitting with him back towards the door. Without any warning I stretched my arms and choked him with a jiu-jitusu hold..... After ten minutes he was dead. With a cord which I carried wit me I tied his neck, and left him lying as he was."
He then went to the room where Osugi's wife was detained. "Her position was somewhat difficult for me to get a stranglehold on her." So he began to ask her questions, at the same time manœuvring for a better position.
"I managed to get her right side, and caught hold of her in the same way as I did her husband. However, her position was disadvantageous to me, and I was not able to handle her in as easy a fashion as I disposed of Osugi. In her attempt to free herself she inflicted a few deep scratches on my left arm. It took about ten minutes to kill her. I took another cord and tied her neck with it."

This scoundrel then went the poor boy in the next room, who thought something was wrong and commenced to cry. "I caught the child by the neck and choked him to death. He did not utter any cry. I also tied him with a cord." The three bodies were then thrown down a well and rubbish piled on top of them. thus did this patriot save Japan from dangers of Anarchism. Despite the statement of Captain Amakasu that he acted on his own responsibility, it is believed that he was incited to the murder by high Army and Government officials. The result of the trial has not been  reported.

Sakaye Osugi joined the Anarchist movement after the Russo-Japanese War, at about the time of execution of Kotoku and other Anarchists by the Government. In 1907 he translated Kropotkin's "Appeal to the Young" into the Japanese language. For this he was imprisoned, and from that time he was in jail many times. He was considered very dangerous by the Government, but the common people considered him  a hero. He attended an international Anarchist gathering in Paris this year, and was arrested and deported. He had returned to Japan only about two months when he met his death.
Mrs. Osgui- Noye Ito-- was editor of a magazine, Seito ("The New Woman"). She had translated some of Emma Goldman's writings, and was the first woman Anarchist in Japan.
 Other comrades murdered included K. Hirasawa, an Anarchist-Syndicalist, who with four other leaders of the workers were arrested and nearly beaten to death in the police station, some officers completing the vile deed with their swords. The bodies were removed secretly and burned in kerosene oil.

Our comrade, E. K. Nobushima, who has contributed articles on the Japanese Labour Movement to the columns of FREEDOM (May and July, 1923), writes to the Industrial Worker, saying: "We are now confronted with the great danger of being arrested or murdered....You are requested to send this information to the world on our behalf by Japanese revolutionary workers."

To Our Readers.
We beg our readers to bring these atrocities by the Japanese authorities to the notice of any Trade Union or Socialist organisation to which they may belong, and to send their protests to the Japanese Ambassador in London. This publicity cannot bring back our dead comrades, but it may prevent the Japanese Government murdering any more of the Anarchists and Socialists now in prison

Freedom, November 1923, p.60.   




109日の『東京日日新聞』に掲載された、検閲済みの記事の中で、ある軍曹が、憲兵隊本部に届いた公報を示し、次のように証言した。「当時、部隊では誰もが、共産主義者と社会主義者は――――したほうがいいと言っていた」と。 検閲で削除されているが、その内容は想像がつく。『東京日日新聞』の同号には、殺人事件に関する公式報告書の要約が掲載されており、そこでは、甘粕大尉が、「大杉栄を殺すことは、日本の繁栄のためには時宜にかなっている適切な措置であると確信していた」と書かれてある。被告人は、事件に関して行った忌憚のない供述において、明らかに自らの恐ろしい行為を美化していた。916日、甘粕は、麹町憲兵隊長として大杉の自宅を訪れ、大杉とその妻、甥を自動車で憲兵隊本部に連行し、上階の空き部屋に閉じ込めた。被告人は次のように述べた。


その後、彼は大杉の妻が拘留されている部屋へ入った。「彼女の座っていた位置では首を絞める形に持って行くのが困難でした」。 そこで彼は彼女に質問をし始め、同時に、より良い位置を確保するために移動した。







読者諸君  われわれは読者諸君に、日本当局によるこの残虐行為を、所属する労働組合や社会主義者の団体に知らせ、ロンドンの日本大使に抗議文書を送るよう要請する。この抗議行動で、死んだ仲間が生き返らせることなどできないが、日本政府が現在獄中にあるアナーキストや社会主義者をこれ以上殺害するのを防ぐことができるだろう。


アナーキー2023会議参加への呼びかけ Call to Participate in Anarchy 2023

「反権威主義国際集会 アナーキー2023」 サン・ティミエ(スイス)にて、2023年7月19日~23日に開催








最後に:このような国際的なイベントを、地球上で最も物価の高いスイスで開催することは、経済的な困難、ビザ取得の問題があることは承知しています。アクセスしやすくするために、私たちは相乗りプラットフォームを立ち上げる予定です。キャンプ、国際的な料理グループによる食事、コンサートなど、イベントの大半は無料か、「各人が払える額」です、ビザの取得が困難な場合は、遠慮なく info@anarchy2023.org までメールにてご連絡ください。



International Anti-Authoritarian Gathering

Anarchy 2023 - St-Imier July 19-23, 2023

Affiche-2023 On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the first anti-authoritarian international, international meetings are being prepared in the Swiss Jura mountains. They will take place from July 19 to 23, 2023 - with an extension of a few days to allow time and space for spontaneous meetings. We are making this appeal to clarify the role of these meetings, that is to say our concrete motivations, as well as the way we wish to organize them.

In a world that seems to be increasingly neutralizing radical protest - between repression, recuperation and control - it seems necessary to meet physically, as anarchists. In order to reflect collectively on the issues that matter to us, and in particular on the political and social evolutions of the last few years, and to continue to deepen the critiques that emancipate us. In order to learn more about the concrete struggles that are taking place everywhere, told by those who lead them. To form new hopes for the future. To build strong links between different anti-authoritarian groups and individuals, to strengthen solidarity between struggles across borders. And to make new people want to join them.

Indeed, we want above all to talk about living struggles. It is not a question of commemorating a historical event, which would be meaningless if it were not linked to the daily lives of living people, to a real combative tension against the state and other forms of domination.

These meetings will therefore be an opportunity to share experiences, discuss strategy, and make your local struggles known. Whether they are feminist, environmentalist, anti-tech, anti-carceral, anti-border, anti-fascist, anti-capitalist, anti-racist and anti-militarist... What brings us together is the anti-authoritarian vision.

These meetings will be what you make of them. The activities are organized in a horizontal and decentralized way. In particular thanks to a large information board, which can be filled in by hand, on the spot, and also thanks to a participative online tool that you will find under organize.anarchy2023.org. Just add your proposal for an activity to the agenda now. The agenda will still be editable during the meetings. A large building will be dedicated to spontaneous activities, it will be self-managed.

During these four days, you will find meetings for groups sharing the same priorities (feminism, autonomous health, for example), practical workshops, discussions, and numerous and varied presentations. As you can see, there will be no official conferences, i.e. organized by the organizing committee. There will also be groups offering film screenings, a book fair and an anarchist radio. For the children, we point out that a mixed group will provide a nursery every day. Another group will provide a camping area with a separate space for women, transgender & non-binary people. Other groups will organize exhibitions, concerts, dances, etc. By the way: we will need many volunteers on site, you can sign up in advance or when you arrive!

More info on anarchy2023.org (the website is updated regularly).

Finally: we are aware that the organization of such an international event, in Switzerland, in the most expensive country on the planet, entails financial difficulties and difficulties with obtaining visas. To facilitate access, we will set up a carpooling platform. Most of the event will be either free of charge or "pay-what-you-can", whether it is the camping, the meals organized by international cooking groups or the concerts. And don't hesitate to contact us by mail at info@anarchy2023.org if you have any difficulties to get a visa.

Long live anarchy and see you soon!



Schreckensherrschaft in Japan, in Syndikalist, Nr.48/49, 1923, [Commemorating 100th Anniversary of Sakae Osugi's Death]

Schrekensherrschaft in Japan [Aus der Internationale].

 Nach dem Erdbeben setzte in Japan eine ungeheure Verfolgung der Anarchisten und Syndikalisten ein. Am 16. September wurden Sakaye Osugui [sic], seine Gefährtin Noye Ito, ihre Neffe, ein Knabe im Alter von 7 Jahren, genannt Saichi Tachibana, von einem Gendarmeriehauptmann erwürgt. Auch der Kamerad Hirasawa, und mehr als 20 andere unserer Freunde sind ermordet worden.

 Osugi, der Sohn eines Offiziers, kam nach dem russisch=japanischen Kriege in die anarchistische Bewegung. 1917 übersetzte der Kropotkines Schrift „An die jungen Leute“ und verbüwßte dafür seine erste Gefängnisstrafe. Allmählich wurde er das Haupt der anarchistischen Bewegung Japans. Am 1. Mai 1923 wollte Osugui in einer Versammlung in Saint Denis das Wort nehmen, wurde aber von der französischen Regierung ausgewiesen. Zweieinhalb Monate vor seinem Tode kam er nach Japan zurück, er war der Herausgeber einer japanischen Zeitung „Rodo=Undo“ (Die Arbeiterbewegung). Seine Frau Noye Ito studierte in Tokio und gab die Zeitschrift „Seito“ (Die neue Frau [Blaustrumpf]) heraus. Allmählich näherte sie sich der anarchistischen Weltanschauung und übersetzte die Bücher Emma Goldmans in die japanische Sprache.

 Hirasawa und vier seiner Kameraden wurden von einem Offizier um Garten des Komissariats zu Komoido [Kameido] totgeschlagen. Hirasawa war Metallarbeiter und 35 Jahre alt. Er war tätig als Sekretär der japanischen Metallarbeiter=Föderation, wurde aber wegen seiner revolutionären Gesinnung aus der Föderation später ausgeschlossen und trat dann der anarcho=syndikalistischen Bewegung bei.

 Arbeiter Europas und Amerikas! Peotestiert gegen diese Schandtaten der uniformierten Söldlinge der japanischen Regierung. In allen Ländern gibt ese Männer und Einrichtungen, die angeblich Japan, in Wirklichkeit aber den japanischen Kapitalismus und Imperialismus repräsentieren, sat ihnen, dass sie die Mörder von Osugi und seinen Freunden sind. Es lebe die revolutionäre Arbeiterbewegung Japans!

(Der Syndikalist, Nr.48/ 49, 1923, p.3)





