
国際シンポジウムの趣旨説明 Explanation of the Aim in Holding the Symposium (Overview of the Symposium)

Explanation of the Aim in Holding the Symposium (Overview of the Symposium)
Hikaru Tanaka (Osaka Kyoiku University)



 In this symposium we will be talking about these four points: 1) What meaning there is in us examining anarchism today, 2) What global anarchism is, and what meaning there is in discussing it, 3) Why global anarchism should be understood as something that started a hundred years ago and has continued until now, 4) Why “connecting Asia to the world” is important.

1. The Modern Meaning of Anarchism and the Characteristics of Modern Anarchism

 Anarchism since the mid 1990s’ has been explained as being different than anarchism until the first half of the 20th century.

 There was a strong assertion among anarchists that anarchism is the overhauling society completely in accordance with their philosophy, and that anything that might work towards changing society currently is meaningless until the revolution has taken place, and that ideals can only be realized after the revolution.

 However since the 1990s’, people have asserted that creating ideal human relations and personally adopting an anarchist stance “here and now” is “revolution”.

 And since diversity is valued, not just one but many diverse words being spoken and actions being taken are valued. To contrast this from previously existing anarchism, it is sometimes called “new anarchism”.

 What meaning do these thoughts and actions have to us living in the present day where neo-liberalism and globalization are unfolding?

 For example, our everyday lives are made possible by exploiting the poor people of the “global South” and those called the precariat within Japan, through consuming the various products that are brought to us by multinational corporations. Not only that, we unconsciously internalize the neoliberal ideology that is the premise of multinational corporations.

 In this way neo-liberalism and globalization create a situation in which, regardless of choice, all sorts of people on earth have but to follow one way of living and thinking.

 In reaction to this situation, anarchism, with the ideal of “no authority = anarchy” as a commonly shared premise, looks for varies power relations in all sorts of situations of everyday life, and strives to combat, erode and overturn these relations.

 For example, anarchists find the very fact that neo-liberalism forces a way of life on people and that they find themselves living according to this to be domination, and see the power relations within this situation and resist it. And at the same time anarchists are searching for alternatives.

 For all sorts of people who are aware that they are “dominated” by neo-liberalism and who are searching for ways to escape this, no doubt modern anarchism will provide a lot of opportunities, ideas and strength to do so.

 These are the reasons for taking up “global anarchism’s” past, present and future in this symposium. Next I would like to look at particular characteristics of present day global anarchism.

2. Characteristics of Modern Global Anarchism

 The first characteristic is how geographically spread out it is. Even in areas where anarchism was non-existent or near non-existent in the 20th century such as the Middle East, Africa and South East Asia, there are now supporters of anarchism and movements are taking place.

 Secondly there is the characteristic that this form of anarchism has developed along with the collapse of communism, and with the rapid development of neo-liberalism within the West and in Japan. Along with the collapse of the communist regimes of Russia and other Eastern European countries, and as faith was being lost in the ideology of socialism, the message we have been told is that there is no other path for humanity than neo-liberalism. In reality, in western countries, even when socialist parties have come into power in the stead of conservative parties, they have been pushing neo-liberal policy. As a result, people who were supporters of the left have come to consider anarchism as an alternative to neo-liberalism.

 The third characteristic is that this form of anarchism was born out of the anti globalization movement. Since the 1970s’ places like Chile have been the experimentation grounds for neo-liberalism, and since the 1980s’ neo-liberalism has been pushed forward in America, England, Japan, and the same policies have been pushed onto third world countries as well. In response to this, resistance movements were born all over the globe and lead into the movements of the 90s’.

 People involved in anarchist movements around the world have been influenced by the anti WTO resistance movement of 1999 in Seattle, as well as other resistance movements that have taken place since then opposing international organizations such as the WTO, IMF and the G8.

 After that large scale resistance movements have taken place whenever the IMF or the World Bank has held meetings or a G8 summit has been held. Through this, anarchism has come to be a valued way of thinking, and has gained much support.

 Developed in this way, global anarchism between the late 90s’ and early 2000s’ was created by the new practices of the younger generation in their 20s’. This is the fourth characteristic.

 The fifth characteristic is that the Punk movement could be said to be the birth place of global anarchism. The punk scene demonstrated thorough resistance to power relations and customs of society within daily life. From there this unique anarchist movement took shape.

 People who got involved in Punk in this way turned towards anarchism and from there also became involved in environmental, feminist, LGBT, anti racist and anti war movements.

 Also, in a general sense that includes Punk, the phenomenon of art and anarchism becoming interconnected is something that took place around the world in the 90s’. Instead of the words of intellectuals, visual material like flyers and photos, or music became the medium with which commonly held ideals were promoted. Also, in Japan a lot of musicians and artists came to play an important role after the anti Iraq war demonstrations in 2003. The interconnection of art and anarchism is another characteristic of global anarchism.

 The last characteristic that I will mention is that the focus is on struggles of the micro scale that are within each life.

 For example, in South East Asia and in Eastern Europe and Israel, between the 1980s’ and 2000s’ the anarchist movement was born out of punk, and they were also deeply involved with Food not Bombs and animal rights and animal liberation movements. Food not Bombs is a movement serving poor people, such as homeless people, vegetarian food for free. In this movement the focus is on the fundamental needs of humans such as ‘food’ and ‘shelter’.

 Animal rights movements/animal liberation movements are focused on all ‘life’ including humans and they are the more radical of vegetarians, vegans.

 Vegan anarchists do not eat animal based foods and are creating a new life style through fighting violence against animals. Their goal is to develop a new relationship with nature through dismantling the power structures that surround them.

 It can be said that the ecology, feminist, LGBT movements that are also the birth place of these anarchist movements and are tied together by the deep theme of resistance against the authority wielded over individual ‘life’.

3. Global Anarchism’s Past and Present
 Global anarchism as described above can be said to be a modern phenomenon, but looked at another way it can also be seen as having begun a hundred years ago.

 It is said that ‘new anarchism’ is different than anarchism of a hundred years ago. However, a hundred years ago in 1910, German anarchist Gustav Landauer said that:

“The State is a condition, a certain relationship between human beings, a mode of behaviour; we destroy it by contracting other relationships, by behaving differently toward one another.”

 Views like these of past anarchists are similar to those of the “new anarchism”. And through discovering these kinds of understandings in the past, we can see that ‘global anarchism’ is the result of people’s work over the past hundred years.

 If we look at it this way, we can see anarchism not as having been born recently, but as a broad movement that has taken place all over the world since the end of the 18th century, throughout what we call ‘modern times’.

 The first presenter, Hiyazaki, will present on what meaning Sakae Ōsugi’s thoughts have in thinking about modern global anarchism.

 The second presenter, Kurihara, will present on what Ōsugi thought of the rice riots and what we can take from that.

 The third presenter, Tanaka will present on what relationship anarchism in Japan since the late half of the 20th century has to global anarchism.

4. Connecting Asia to the Rest of the World – the Future of Global Anarchism-
 Looking at the past hundred years, in Asia anarchism only came up in Japan, Korea and China. Also, after 1945 in China and Korea they were severed from their past traditions under communist authoritarian rule, and so, in these places new anarchism that has no relationship to the past is being born.

 The fourth presenter, Higuchi, will present on anarchism in the Philippines and about his experience there.

 The fifth presenter, Gabriel Kuhn, will present on the relationship between ‘new anarchism’ and ‘old anarchism’ based on his experiences of being involved in global anarchism over the past years and will present on the situation and issues of anarchism around the world, including Asia. 







「アナーキズムが現実の場面で表現する最大の特徴は、人と人との間にある権力関係、集団と様々な制度との間にある権力関係に対する多様な批判、および、そういった権力に従わせようというあらゆる人間に対して抱く固有の不信感にあります。様々な権力関係を認識し、批判することを通じて、アナーキズムは、それらに対して反対するだけではなく、平等、自由、全人類に対するエンパワーメントという原則に基づいて、組織と関係性を創り上げるための新しい方法を模索します[中略]アナーキズムは、あらゆる側面に向けられた実践を通じて権力と権威を崩壊させるという事例を人々に提示することを重視して、今ここでという原則に依拠しています」(‘Introduction’, Twenty-First Century Anarchism, p.2)。


「第一に、[アナーキズムは]あらゆる形体の支配を拒絶します。この場合の支配とは、多様な社会的な制度でありダイナミズムのことを指します。[中略]アナーキストはこのような支配を暴露し、それらに対して戦いを挑み、浸食し、最終的には転覆することを目指しています。第二に、アナーキズムは直接行動を特徴とします[中略]第三に、今日のアナーキズムの核心となっている価値観は多様性であり、運動の最終目標をきわめて開かれたものとしています。そのため、革命を最終目標と設定し、未来の自由社会を詳細な青写真として描くといった発想が受け入れられる余地は、アナーキズムにはほとんどありません。むしろ、アナーキストの間では、階層がなくアナーキーな態度と組織の形態が重視されます。なぜならそれらは、今ここにおける社会的な相互行為、つまり「日常生活における革命」を常に顕在させるからです」(Gordon, pp.4-5





















































Amster, Randall, 2012, Anarchism Today, Santa Barbara/ Denver/ Oxford: Praeger.

Anarchist Black Cross Belarus Bulletin, Spring-Summer 2012.

Dominic, Brian A., 1997, Animal Liberation and Social Revolution, a vegan perspective on anarchism or an anarchist perspective on veganism.

Gordon, Uri, 2008, Anarchy Alive! Anti-Authoritarian Politics from Practice to Theory, Ann Arbor/ London: Pluto Press.

‘Introduction’, Twenty-First Century Anarchism, Unorthodox Ideas for a New Millennium, ed. John Purkis / James bowen, 1997, pp.1-6.

Kalicha, Sebastian/ Kuhn, Gabriel (Hg.), 2010, Von Jakarta bis Johannesburg, Anarchismus weltweit, Münster: Unrast Verlag.

Kuhn, Gabriel, 2009, »Neuer Anarchismus«, in: Vielfalt, Bewegungen, Widerstand, Texte zum Anarchismus, Münster: Unrast Verlag, pp.61-71.

Landauer, Gustav, 1924,Schwache Staatsmanner , schwacheres Volk!, in: Beginnen: Aufsatze uber Sozialismus, ed. Martin Buber, Koln: Marcan-Block-Verlag, pp. 51-53.



国際シンポジウム「グローバル・アナーキズムの過去・現在・未来~世界とアジアをつなぐために」第2報告の概要 Summary of the second Presenter's Report of International Symposium "Global Anarchism: Past, Present and Future. For Connecting Asia to the World"


2013年11月16日(土)10:00~17:00 明治大学リバティータワー1083教室にて

第2報告者 栗原康さんの報告要旨(他の報告者の報告要旨もこれから順次発表する)

蜂起の思想 ―大杉栄の米騒動論 







International Symposium on November 16, 2013 at Liberty Tower of Meiji University

From 10 a.m. to 18 p.m.

Report Overview of first Presenter Yasushi Kurihara (other Reports coming ASAP):  
 "Thought on Uprising – Sakae Ōsugi’s Theory on the Rice Riots" 
 In this report I will be discussing Sakae Ōsugi’s theory on the Rice Riots. 
 The rice riots of 1918 were riots of the largest scale to have taken place in Japan. At the time many intellectuals who witnessed the riots thought of the Russian revolution of the previous year. Saying that the cause of the riots lay in the issue of poverty, and that discontent exploded due to the dramatic rise in the price of rice, they claimed that the people participating in the riots were not merely a random gathering of people, but that they were people inhabiting the very same society as them, looking to live within it in a dignified way. They claimed that the issue of poverty was not a personal problem, but that it was a problem of society as a whole. Thinking this, not only socialists but the government also started to take measures towards the equalization of society through social policy reform. The very shaping of society became a political agenda. 

  In contrast to this, Ōsugi saw that the people involved in the riots were trying to leave society behind. To Ōsugi, society was nothing other than a dictatorial function in place to govern the people. By state authorities viewing the people as members of the same society, they could view them all as one and the same - they could view everyone as having the same needs and desires and treat those desires as things that could simply be multiplied or exchanged. If discontent was expressed towards the authorities, they had simply to calculate and categorically address what was being demanded. As capitalism is closely tied with society and has permeated it, people, as members of society live with social identities such as capitalist, worker and consumer. All is measured by money, and how one can raise profits, how one can obtain compensation of the worth of one’s work, and how one can purchase more expensive goods become the basis of one’s identity. The rice riots erupted just as this type of capitalist society was starting to take hold. 

  However, Ōsugi did not see the rice riots as anything like a popular movement, but rather as a random gathering of people. Going beyond the idea of appropriate prices, they decided the price themselves and would try to take away the rice for that price. If any rice shop attempted to stop them, they would go so far as to set fire to the shop to eradicate the oppressor. If the police or military came, they fought them in any way that was disposable to the people present. The strengths and skills that they had built through their daily work were no longer being used to make money, but rather to fight the police or military or to the ends of the joy in eradicating the oppressor. It is apparent that the people who got involved with the riots were not thinking of society. Instead they felt a sense of release and freedom in shedding social identities of worker and consumer. The rice riots sent cracks through society. In this report I would like to demonstrate that through the theory of people’s art, Ōsugi logically discussed this theory on the rice riots.

The reason I chose this theme is because I think that in Japan now the dismantling of society is pressing and urgent. Post 3/11, in irradiated North East Japan there is an excess of social resources. Towards economic recovery, voices expressing concern over radiation are disregarded as panic or as hysteria, and as workers, as consumers, as husbands and wives, we are expected to act in economic ways. Despite the fact that ignoring radiation will sooner or later mean death, society is continuing to function, full force. 
When proclaiming the change from a welfare state to a neoliberal state, Margaret Thatcher said that: “There is no such thing as society: there are individual men and women, and there are families.” This meant that the government would not be taking measures towards the equalization of society, but at the same time the expectation around social rolls that individuals and families are to fill have been emphasized ever more. Despite the fact that there is no decent employment available and society will not aid those who are struggling, people are expected to work desperately for society, for the country. Japan is now at a point where this phenomenon has made it’s progression to, and one could say that it has been made quite bare and visible.
 If we are to take society as only having ever been a dictatorial function in place to govern the people, would not now be the time to literally practice Thatcher’s words: “there is no such thing as society”? In this report, through Ōsugi’s theory on the rice riots, I hope to unearth thought that will send cracks through society anew.